
Big Muzzy 大块头玛泽的故事 40集全 中英文音频+1080P视频+PDF+单词卡+互动游戏 英语启蒙

Big Muzzy 大块头玛泽的故事 40集全 中英文音频+1080P视频+PDF+单词卡+互动游戏 英语启蒙


资源名称:Big Muzzy 大块头玛泽的故事 40集全 中英文音频+1080P视频+PDF+单词卡+互动游戏 英语启蒙
资源标签:#英语启蒙动画 #幼儿英语启蒙 #英语启蒙 #bigmuzzy #quark


Big Muzzy是一部经典的英语学习动画。
它的主要角色形象鲜明,如Big Muzzy这个毛茸茸的绿色怪物很吸引人。动画剧情简单有趣,围绕着一些基础的故事场景展开,像公主、国王的故事等,很容易让观众理解。


├─ 08、互动游戏
│  └─ 15套互动游戏,请电脑上下载后解压使用.rar
├─ 07、单词图卡可打印
│  ├─ 01_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc
│  ├─ 02_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc
│  ├─ 03_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc
│  ├─ 04_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc
│  ├─ 05_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc
│  ├─ 06_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc
│  ├─ 07_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc
│  ├─ 08_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc
│  ├─ 09_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc
│  ├─ 10_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc
│  ├─ 11_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc
│  └─ 12_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc
├─ 06、PDF动画配套教材可打印
│  ├─ Big Muzzy(英文版)01-06集 配套教材.pdf
│  └─ Big Muzzy(英文版)07-12集 配套教材.pdf
├─ 05、音频版【视频配套的都有】
│  ├─ 英文词汇
│  │  ├─ 01 Numbers 1 - 10, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 02 Animals, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 03 Fruits & Vegetables, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 04 School, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 05 Numbers 11 to 20, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 06 Jobs, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 07 Parts of the Body, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 08 Positions, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 09 Gardening, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 10 Sports, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 11 Time Morning to Night, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 12 Household Items & Rooms, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 13 Shapes & Colors, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 14 Musical Instruments, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 15 Toys and Games, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 16 Clothing, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 17 Numbers 21 to 30, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 18 Foods & Drinks, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 19 People & Family, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 20 Car Parts, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 21 Tools, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 22 Directions, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 23 Places Around Town, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 24 Counting 31 - 100, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 25 Transportation, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 26 Nature, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  ├─ 27 Pets & Animals, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  │  └─ 28 Numbers 100+, Vocabulary Builder.mp3
│  ├─ 英文版
│  │  ├─ 01_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp3
│  │  ├─ 02_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp3
│  │  ├─ 03_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp3
│  │  ├─ 04_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp3
│  │  ├─ 05_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp3
│  │  ├─ 06_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp3
│  │  ├─ 07_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp3
│  │  ├─ 08_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp3
│  │  ├─ 09_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp3
│  │  ├─ 10_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp3
│  │  ├─ 11_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp3
│  │  └─ 12_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp3
│  ├─ 中文词汇
│  │  ├─ 01 Numbers 1 - 10, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 02 Animals, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 03 Fruits & Vegetables, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 04 School, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 05 Numbers 11 to 20, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 06 Jobs, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 07 Parts of the Body, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 08 Positions, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 09 Gardening, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 10 Sports, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 11 Time Morning to Night, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 12 Household Items & Rooms, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 13 Shapes & Colors, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 14 Musical Instruments, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 15 Toys and Games, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 16 Clothing, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 17 Numbers 21 to 30, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 18 Foods & Drinks, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 19 People & Family, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 20 Car Parts, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 21 Tools, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 22 Directions, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 23 Places Around Town, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 24 Counting 31 - 100, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 25 Transportation, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 26 Nature, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  ├─ 27 Pets & Animals, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  │  └─ 28 Numbers 100+, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp3
│  └─ 中文版
│     ├─ 01_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp3
│     ├─ 02_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp3
│     ├─ 03_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp3
│     ├─ 04_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp3
│     ├─ 05_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp3
│     ├─ 06_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp3
│     ├─ 07_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp3
│     ├─ 08_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp3
│     ├─ 09_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp3
│     ├─ 10_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp3
│     ├─ 11_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp3
│     └─ 12_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp3
├─ 04、【动画】中文词汇(28集全)
│  ├─ 01 Numbers 1 - 10, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 02 Animals, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 03 Fruits & Vegetables, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 04 School, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 05 Numbers 11 to 20, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 06 Jobs, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 07 Parts of the Body, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 08 Positions, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 09 Gardening, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 10 Sports, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 11 Time Morning to Night, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 12 Household Items & Rooms, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 13 Shapes & Colors, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 14 Musical Instruments, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 15 Toys and Games, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 16 Clothing, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 17 Numbers 21 to 30, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 18 Foods & Drinks, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 19 People & Family, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 20 Car Parts, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 21 Tools, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 22 Directions, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 23 Places Around Town, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 24 Counting 31 - 100, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 25 Transportation, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 26 Nature, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  ├─ 27 Pets & Animals, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
│  └─ 28 Numbers 100+, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4
├─ 03、【动画】中文版(12集全)【中文字幕】
│  ├─ 01_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4
│  ├─ 02_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4
│  ├─ 03_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4
│  ├─ 04_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4
│  ├─ 05_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4
│  ├─ 06_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4
│  ├─ 07_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4
│  ├─ 08_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4
│  ├─ 09_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4
│  ├─ 10_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4
│  ├─ 11_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4
│  └─ 12_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4
├─ 02、【动画】英文词汇(28集全)
│  ├─ 01 Numbers 1 - 10, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 02 Animals, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 03 Fruits & Vegetables, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 04 School, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 05 Numbers 11 to 20, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 06 Jobs, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 07 Parts of the Body, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 08 Positions, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 09 Gardening, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 10 Sports, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 11 Time Morning to Night, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 12 Household Items & Rooms, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 13 Shapes & Colors, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 14 Musical Instruments, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 15 Toys and Games, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 16 Clothing, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 17 Numbers 21 to 30, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 18 Foods & Drinks, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 19 People & Family, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 20 Car Parts, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 21 Tools, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 22 Directions, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 23 Places Around Town, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 24 Counting 31 - 100, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 25 Transportation, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 26 Nature, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  ├─ 27 Pets & Animals, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
│  └─ 28 Numbers 100+, Vocabulary Builder.mp4
└─ 01、【动画】英文版(12集全)【英文字幕】
   ├─ 01_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4
   ├─ 02_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4
   ├─ 03_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4
   ├─ 04_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4
   ├─ 05_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4
   ├─ 06_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4
   ├─ 07_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4
   ├─ 08_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4
   ├─ 09_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4
   ├─ 10_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4
   ├─ 11_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4
   └─ 12_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4




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